What is Car Keyless Entry?

Smart key is a device that enables you to unlock your motor vehicle doors and start your motor vehicle without the need to use of physical key. It’s also referred to as simply key fobs or proximity keys. Every car-maker has a different name for particular systems. Smart keys have been around since 1990s, even if they’re a feature found primary on high-end cars at that time.

How Intelligent Keys or Smart Key Fobs Work?

Smart keys use radio waves to contact to the matching vehicle containing embedded antennas, which confirm and determine its presence. On several models, like the newer BMWs, once the key comes within 1.5m of the motor vehicle of the driver, the door will lock or unlock automatically with a touch of the handle. Once inside, the driver only need to press the ignition button, typically situated next to the steering column, which starts the vehicle. Other smart keys like those from BMW may also store user settings so the mirrors, seat, steering wheel, and audio preferences are adjusted automatically through pressing a button.


Instead of smart keys sending out the frequency signal over and over that would affect all the models and makes employing the same key, not to mention make it simpler for the tech-savvy thieves to steal cars, the smart keys broadcast a unique and encrypted signal each time you remotely pop the trunk or unlock the door. The computer chip inside the motor vehicle is responsible to get the signal and prompt new frequency.

Keyless Go

It’s a generic term for automotive technology that enables the driver unlocks and locks a vehicle without employing the Smart Key buttons. Once the driver enters the motor-vehicle with equipped Keyless Go Smart Key, they have the ability to stop and start the engine without inserting Smart Key. The transponder built inside the Smart Key enables the motor-vehicle to identify the driver. An extra safety feature is integrated into the car, which makes it impossible to lock Smart Key with Keyless Go inside the car. After several years on the market, some luxury vehicle manufacturers mimicked the technology along with other economy brands.

Smart Keys

This was designed and developed Siemens inside mid-1990s and was introduced inside 1997 by Mercedes-Benz to replace the infrared security system introduced inside year 1989. Daimler-Benz filed the very first patent for Smart Key on the 28th of February 1997 inside German patent office with a multipurpose switchblade key variants following on the 17th of May 1997. Smart Keys entailed a plastic key to be utilized inside place of routine metal key. The electronics that control the locking systems and ignitions made it possible to replace standard keys with a computerized key. It’s also considered a step up from the remote keyless entry. Smart Keys adopt the remote control button from keyless entry and integrates them into the Smart Key fob.

As of now, there are countless kinds of key key fob remote inside the market. Every motor vehicle has its own intelligent key or smart key fob, depending on the motor vehicle model or brand.

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